Friday, February 6, 2009

Thalidomide Baby Spotlight – Tony Melendez

Thalidomide left Tony Melendez with no arms. Think about it. What are your favorite activities and how would you do them without arms? Tony Melendez found a solution in his feet. Not only did he become proficient in using his feet to accomplish most day-to-day routines but also he became one of the most amazing acoustic guitarists I have ever seen. Tony’s incredible outlook on life is a reminder to us all that there is no excuse to be defeated by life’s challenges. Read his biography and watch the videos. Prepare to be humbled.

Tony Melendez Biography


  1. What an amazing man! It'll be hard to let myself indulge in self pity after seeing this inspirational story.Tony is a living miracle. Thanks so much for sharing this.

  2. I had tears near the end of his video biography. He is definitely an inspiration.
